On The Fringes of Society


When I chose the topic Fringe for my extended study, I had no idea what I was going to do or how relavant it was to me or graphic design. We were asked to choose a topic that was broad and I thought Fringe was as broad it I could get. Over the summer, we were tasked think about our ambitions beyond graduation. When I was in my first year studying IT, I looked to designing as a form of creative escapism. I had been coding since I was young and I remember once in my website module, my lecturer told me that the visual is not as important as the back-end and that was when I realised that I. Living in the millenial generation, we are always thinking about revolutionising something. Being the best in a particular field means creating something different.



Signages are an important form of information and visual communication in our everyday lives. It tells us the name and the nature of a business and promotes the company's brand. Exploring the relationship between censorship graphic design, I decided to experiment with the idea of how life would be like with the absence of a signage. It is just one of those things often overlooked or taken for granted especially when they have more than one outlet.

Without signages, we would regress a step back in time. It would take us longer to decide if we want to enter a store as we may not be able to tell what the store is selling just by looking at it from the outside. Businesses may also take a longer time to build brand reputation, outdo its competitors and gain customer loyalty.



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Signages are a very important form of information in our everyday lives. It tells us the name and the nature of a business and promotes the company's brand. I decided to experiment with the idea of how life would be like with the absence of a signage. It is just one of those things often overlooked especially when they have more than one outlet. Without signages, we would regress a step back in time. It would take us longer to decide if we want to enter a store as we may not be able to tell what the store is selling just by looking at it from the outside. Businesses may also take a longer time to build brand reputation, outdo its competitors and gain customer loyalty.




We were tasked to come up with a project for our partner's topic. At first, my partner Tess wasn't sure what 'Fringe' was about and immediately thought about the edges (like going to the outskirts of town and comparing the culture with the town centre) or the hairstyle (looking at the design of hairdressers in different areas). That was when I realised those where what most people would associate the term 'Fringe' to at a broad context. So I decided to conduct a survey to prove that fact. The survey allowed me focus on the things that people were interested in and their current perspecive of my topic. It also helped me decide how I would approach the project as people would not have done the extensive research that I have to get to know my topic. It was my job to inform them after all. After showing Tess my research so far, the term 'Ignorance' gave her an idea hence she assigned me the task of reading DailyMail's article (or other news journals) and trying to disprove their ignorance. She also asked me to look into symbiosis (as I told her of how I felt that fringe was necessary to society). Fringe ideas and culture feed and challenge mainstream society. I was watching 'Homeland' when I came up with the idea of doing a publication for my task. In the scene, the character Saul handed his boss a heavily redacted CIA document. I started researching on redacted text and whilst also watching Anthony Burdoin's documentary 'Parts Unknown' on Myanmar which discussed the issues of censorship, I started thinking about how censorship relates to ignorance.



The Head


Dying Tongues


We were tasked to come up with a project for our partner's topic. At first, my partner Tess wasn't sure what 'Fringe' was about and immediately thought about the edges (like going to the outskirts of town and comparing the culture with the town centre) or the hairstyle (looking at the design of hairdressers in different areas). That was when I realised those where what most people would associate the term 'Fringe' to at a broad context. So I decided to conduct a survey to prove that fact. The survey allowed me focus on the things that people were interested in and their current perspecive of my topic. It also helped me decide how I would approach the project as people would not have done the extensive research that I have to get to know my topic. It was my job to inform them after all. After showing Tess my research so far, the term 'Ignorance' gave her an idea hence she assigned me the task of reading DailyMail's article (or other news journals) and trying to disprove their ignorance. She also asked me to look into symbiosis (as I told her of how I felt that fringe was necessary to society). Fringe ideas and culture feed and challenge mainstream society. I was watching 'Homeland' when I came up with the idea of doing a publication for my task. In the scene, the character Saul handed his boss a heavily redacted CIA document. I started researching on redacted text and whilst also watching Anthony Burdoin's documentary 'Parts Unknown' on Myanmar which discussed the issues of censorship, I started thinking about how censorship relates to ignorance.